30 Important Things I’ve Learned by 30

30 things I've learned by 30 You guys, I’m 30! While I know the “trend” is to dwell on the fact that I’m getting older, I want to take this opportunity and turn it into something positive!

On this big milestone, I thought I would look back and reflect on life lessons I’ve learned so far. Without further ado, here are 30 important things I’ve learned by 30:

1. Quality over quantity

You can interpret this however you’d like. The older I’ve become, the more I’ve learned that the inexpensive “trendy” shirt is just not worth it.

The same with friendships. My inner circle has become smaller, but it is comprised of loved ones who lift me up and bring me happiness.

2. Family is everything

I have always been very family-oriented, but it wasn’t until I moved away from home when I really began to appreciate little moments spent with family members + phone calls with loved ones.

I remember when Aaron and I first were debating about moving to Michigan or Pennsylvania for his grad school and I simply said, “Well, Pennsylvania is closer to home”. Aaron had to break the news to me that we wouldn’t have the chance to visit home every weekend like I was imagining we would (haha!).

3. Diets aren’t worth it

I spent nearly half my life on every type of diet imaginable. Counting calories are now a thing of the past (thank goodness!).

I want to spend my life enjoying food, not fearing it. Like they say, everything in moderation! I am learning to balance my choices and focus on eating intuitively!

4. There is no better feeling than a clean home and fresh sheets

Take the extra 10 minutes to tidy up, it will help you relieve stress and declutter your house.

5. Your worth isn’t measured by the amount of “likes” you get online

Don’t get wrapped up in social media. What you see online is someone’s highlight reel and what really matters is what happens when your phone is tucked away.

6. Be kind to everyone you meet

Chat with the barista making your coffee. Compliment a random stranger at the grocery store.

Make small talk with the person sitting next to you. You’ll never know what interesting people you’ll come across!

7. Live in the present moment

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” – Lao Tzu

8. The best memories are experiences

Forget buying your significant other or best friend a candle or article of clothing. The best types of memories stem from something you can both bond over and create memories doing together!

9. Sweat daily, simply because it’s good for you

Because Reese said it best in Legally Blonde: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

10. It’s okay to say no

It’s okay to protect your heart/energy/time/etc with that one simple word.

11. Wear sunscreen daily

I devoted my high school and college summers to an excessive amount of unprotected sun exposure. I wish I would’ve known it is cooler to have nice skin!

12. Moisturizer is your best friend

I started using a daily moisturizer with SPF when I was a junior in college, thank goodness! Protect your delicate skin before it’s too late.

13. Get fitted for proper running shoes

This is a game-changer! Most local running stores have special equipment or knowledgeable staff to access your feet. They’ll check out your stride, stance and step before matching you with the right running shoes!

14. Real plants take your home to a whole other level

They’re pretty, often times inexpensive and are beneficial for your health, too! My personal faves are snake plants + pothos.

15. Always strive to better yourself

Whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

16. Drink water, lots of water

I always recommend purchasing a reusable waterbottle (I’m obsessed with my Hydroflask, click here!) to help stay hydrated at all times.

I feel such a difference in my body if I am dehydrated. My favorite track hack is to bring my water bottle in my purse or carry on and then fill it up inside the airport!

17. Eat the rainbow

Fill your plate with vibrant (+ real) food that will nourish your body.

18. Read, read and read some more

Reading can benefit you in many ways, including: mental stimulation, reduced stress, vocabulary expansion, and more!

19. Learn to be smart with your money

Live within your means. Allocate a portion of your earnings toward savings. Take a seminar on how to retire. Make an appointment with a financial planner.

20. Make your bed, everyday

This small act will have a large impact on your day. You’ll be more mindful of tidying up throughout the day. And who doesn’t like coming home from work to a neat bedroom?

21. Meditate daily

Meditation offers many benefits, including reduced stress, improved sleep, better concentration and more! My favorite apps for guided meditation (for both newbies and veterans) are Calm + Headspace!

22. Make a list before stepping foot in the grocery store

There’s nothing worse than wandering the aisles and winding up with a grocery receipt that’s way over budget.

23. Surround yourself with positive people

They say you are the sum of the five people closest to you. Make it count!

24. Don’t wash your hair every day

This may sound gross, but it’s honestly the best thing I have ever done for my hair! Washing your hair daily strips your scalp of it’s natural oils (and thus goes into overdrive to produce more oil).

Do yourself, and the earth, a giant favor and shampoo your hair every other day or even every 2-3 days depending on the thickness of your hair!

25. Avoid using your phone when you first wake up

It’s tempting to open Facebook or check how many likes you picture on Instagram received, but you’ll soon be sucked into the social media rabbit hole.

Do you want to start your morning by playing the comparison game or anxiously typing an email you forgot to send yesterday? Instead, buy an alarm clock, try meditating or listen to a podcast!

26. Don’t put a time stamp on life events

I always told myself I would be married by 25 and have kids shortly after. Ha! It’s totally okay to have a plan or goals you want to accomplish, but don’t beat yourself up over every little detail and exactly when it may happen! Life is all about learning to go with the flow.

27. Practicing self-love is an on-going journey

You’ll have good days and bad days. It’s important to give yourself grace during those negative times. You may need to spend some extra effort on little things that make you happy. Try soaking in a relaxing bubble bath, reread your favorite book or call someone you love!

28. Find someone you can be yourself around

Aaron and I are so goofy and weird around each other. Like, embarrassingly weird. I honestly cherish the little moments and silly dances I witness that no one else gets to.

29. Simplify your life

Removing clutter, both physical + mental clutter, will improve your quality of life. Declutter your closet, write a to-do list or just slow down. Find what works for you!

30. Be thankful

Learn to appreciate what you have, don’t obsess over what you lack. Express gratitude towards others, look at each new day with happiness, say “thank you” more and practice mindfulness. People who are more thankful are healthier + happier.

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