3 Simple Ways to Quit Negativity

simple ways to quit negativity happy wellness healthy holisticWhile negativity is not always something that you can avoid, it is important to be mindful of what you can control.

These are small practices that I have cut from my own life over the years.

I find that I feel much better without these next 3 things!

1. Quit watching the news.

Did you know that 90% of news stories are negative? That’s because negative news actually get more attention. How crazy is that!

Like most people, I grew up watching the local + national news in the morning. I didn’t realize how much of an affect it could have on my well-being.

While I think it’s definitely important to keep up with major news stories, I don’t believe it is healthy to be glued to the tv all day long! If you are someone who needs a daily snippet of news, I definitely suggest the Daily Skimm!

2. Quit your soul-sucking job.

What’s the point in going to work every day when you don’t have anything to look forward to? After all, job satisfaction is highly correlated with your overall level of happiness.

I know you’ve probably heard it about a million times. But, I can say from experience that after stepping away from a negative work environment, I felt the biggest weight lifted off my shoulders.

When we lived in Michigan, I worked at a local daycare for a little over a year. I thought it would be nice to actually be able to socialize with people my own age after working as a nanny.

Little did I know, my coworkers would actually be the main reason that made me want to leave.

I just couldn’t emotionally deal with the constant complaining and negativity. So, I decided to go back to nannying, which ended up being the perfect choice because I found the perfect family!

3. Quit being fixated on numbers.

Does the thought of counting calories, managing points and tracking your ever-so-changing weight make you stressed, anxious or guilty? I used to feel a combo of all three!

The moment I ditched those silly little numbers was the moment that I started to enjoy life again. I felt like I could enjoy special moments without feeling pressure of having to whip out my phone and log the nutritional info.

Personally, I currently feel like I have finally found that sweet spot where I’m in a better headspace with numbers. I can now focus on my body’s hunger clues, am more knowledgable about my daily fluctuation in weight and desire to nourish my body + soul.

But, if you’re not there quite yet, don’t worry. Focus on being intuitive with yourself and the peace will come!

Is there a simple way that you have cut negativity from your own life? If you’ve ever taken these steps or have a new idea, share below in the comments!

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