Our Engagement Story

You guys. I waited 8 years (almost to the day) for Aaron to propose! You’re probably thinking, “omg, I could have never waited that long!” But I did. I’ll let you in a little secret, it was totally worth it. Our engagement story is something that I’ll cherish forever.

It was the perfect timing for us.

While I’m sitting here in the midst of wedding planning, thought it would be nice to reminisce and share our special day with you!

Our dating anniversary falls on May 22, and in 2018, it fell on a Tuesday. Aaron and I decided to postpone our celebratory dinner until the weekend so we would actually have time to relax and enjoy the day together. Aaron had asked me what I wanted to do for our anniversary and we talked about spending some time outdoors + I suggested my favorite restaurant in LA.

When Saturday finally rolled around, we leisurely got ready in the morning and went out for a bike ride along The Strand. If you’re not from Southern LA, it’s basically a long strip of paved bike path and a running path that runs along the ocean. We rode all the way down to the Redondo Beach Pier where we parked our bikes and walked around. It was such a beautiful, sunny day. We couldn’t have picked a more perfect morning to do something we love together! It’s actually pretty funny to note that our “leisurely” ride somehow turned into 20 miles.

After grabbing a quick lunch at The Source Cafe in Hermosa Beach, we finished up our ride and made it back home. It was a pretty normal afternoon/evening. We took our time getting ready for dinner, tidied up and headed out the door. Aaron had mentioned something about stopping at the beach before arriving at Plant Food + Wine in Venice, so we decided to park at Venice Pier. (I will add that on our ride over to the beach, Aaron’s hand felt a little sweaty but I immediately shook my head and thought to myself that it wasn’t going to happen.)

When we parked at the beach, Aaron took my hand and we walked along the shoreline for a few minutes just as the sun was about to set. It was absolutely stunning outside. The mountains, beach + palm trees were all glowing from the sunset.

Then, Aaron stopped walking and just started hugging + cuddling me close. He started saying how happy he was to be on this adventure with me together. How we’ve lived in Michigan and now California, so far away from family, but that this is all worth it because we’re doing it together. Aaron said a few other cute things too, and then I felt him fumbling around with his jacket that he was holding behind me. He asked, “are you sure you really love me, are you really really sure?” and of course I was like, “YES!”

Then, Aaron got down on one knee in the sand, asked “Jess, will you marry me?” He opened the black box…

and the ring was upside down!

I immediately said, “Aaron, the ring is upside-down!” Hah! After we laughed for a second, he turned it right side up, and after I said yes, he slid the ring onto my finger. It was the cutest little moment, but it was so us.

I immediately FaceTimed with my parents (even though it was super late on the East Coast) and shared the exciting news. I guess they had already known and were trying their hardest to wait up for the call because Aaron had called them and asked for their blessing a few days prior.

When we arrived at Plant Food + Wine for dinner, they sat us outside in the courtyard under the string lights and immediately greeted us with champagne to celebrate. Aaron had filled them in on his little plan when he had arranged the reservation. So sneaky!

The next day was full of phone calls with our loved ones and family. That was truly one of the best nights of my life!



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