7 Simple Tips + Tricks To Calm Anxiety

tricks tips to calm anxiety wellness healthy mindful

I have struggled with stress and anxiety since I was in high school. Over the years, I have realized that the most simple + practical tips calm my anxiety.

I find that when I’m concentrating on a single task, I can trick my mind. I can go from that “fight or flight” state, to a more relaxed mindset within a few minutes.

Here are my favorite simple tips and tricks I use to calm my anxiety:

1. Paint your nails.

I find painting my nails to be so therapeutic, anyone else? This tip dates back to my high school and college days when my anxiety used to be at an all-time high.

2. Take a warm bath or shower.

Bonus points if you do so with a good book, warm beverage and a pretty candle.

3. Use aromatherapy.

Essential oils help benefit your body, mind and emotional well-being. I love using lavender, orange, frankincense, bergamot, chamomile and ylang ylang when I’m feeling anxious.

I’ll massage the oils into my hands, wrists, neck or chest, then take a few deep breaths in and out.

4. Drink a warm, caffeine-free beverage.

There’s nothing like a hot drink to warm your soul. I highly suggest reaching for a caffeine-free beverage to help you unwind.

I love making myself a cup of ginger-lemon tea or Four Sigmatic mushroom cacao with reishi.(it’s made with adaptogens that work with your body to help you relax + also tastes like hot cocoa!)

5. Watch a funny video.

My go-to is always Ellen Degeneres. (I’ll insert the Ellen Tube link here for your convenience!)

I can pretty much watch any clip from her show and instantly be belly laughing.

Laughter releases endorphins, reduces stress and promotes a better sense of well-being. Check, check and check!

6. Relax with a face mask.

I love a good skincare routine. Going through each process of washing your face, applying a mask, then applying a moisturizer is so calming to me.

I’m currently loving this mask by OSEA Malibu.

7. Practice belly breathing.

Find a quiet spot to sit up tall and take deep breaths in through your nose, then slowly exhale out your mouth. Repeat as much as you need!

While there’s no “quick fix” for anxiety, I hope some of these little tips + tricks work for you.

If you have a lot of stress or anxiety, I want to hear what you currently do! Leave a comment with your favorite calming tip. I’d love to see a giant list so that we can all benefit from each other!

Feel free to also check out my other post on how to manage stress + anxiety.

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