How to Prep for Your Wedding (Sharing 6 Healthy Tips!)

wedding prep healthy bride wellness intuitive eating

If you’re looking for inspo on “shredding for the wedding”, I’m sorry – but you won’t find that sort of information here.

I personally don’t believe in quick fixes, fad diets, tedious + exuding workouts or 1,200 calorie restrictive diets.

Instead of focusing on what you want to look like on your wedding day, focus on how good you want to feel!

Today, I’m sharing 6 healthy tips that I used to help you prep for your wedding! (btw, feel free to use these tips regardless of if you’re getting married or not!)

1. Start your morning with a large glass of lemon water.

Simply squeeze 1/2-1 lemon in a large glass and fill the rest with water. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning will give your body a boost in hydration!

I also feel like it sets me up for a healthy day. I feel more inclined to make healthy, balanced choices throughout the day!

2. Meditate, meditate, meditate!

I cannot express how important this step is for your well-being!

Due to additional stress while wedding planning (hello endless tasks!), meditation is the number one tool I used on a daily basis to reduce anxiety and actually BREATHE.

I honestly noticed a huge shift in my thought patterns, energy and overall mental state after only a day or two of consecutive meditation sessions.

For more info about this, click over to my ultimate guide on how to meditate.

3. Move your body, the way you want to!

For so many years, I believed that the only acceptable form of working out was a HIIT based/strength training session that left me a combination of sweaty, breathless and dead tired. Boy, did I hate forcing myself to do that every day!

I would overexert myself and then not move my body for days (or even weeks) after that.

Instead, focus on what types of movement make you happy. Listen to your body and what your needs are!

Switch your mindset from working out to “lose weight”, to working out to raise your energy levels, increase happiness, decrease stress + anxiety and help you get a better nights rest.

4. Honor your hunger with nourishing, balanced meals.

Get rid of the soul-sucking food tracking apps! There’s no point in stressing over calories, macros, points or daily weigh-ins.

It’s all about listening to your body!

There is so much noise out there about what you should or should not be eating. I believe in simplifying this by eating intuitively.

Basically, we should all relearn to eat like toddlers. Just think, they eat what they want, when they want. There are no set rules!

Life is all about balance – so go ahead and eat your favorite dessert, just don’t forget to also include all those nutritious + unprocessed whole foods too!

healthy vegan nourishing wedding food mindful eat the rainbow plant based

5. Don’t compare yourself to others.

While there are many positive aspects of social media, I find that I still get caught in the comparison trap.

I have to admit that I struggled with this when we first got engaged. Scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest gave me so much anxiety at times.

I had negatives thoughts about my body image and stressed about whether or not our decor would be “Pinterest worthy”.

My advice is simply to step back and look at the big picture – you’re getting married to your partner! Then, give yourself a little break from wedding planning. Try to unplug and relax with some self care!

6. Schedule in some self-care sessions!

As mentioned above, taking some time to unwind and actually not think about wedding planning is so important for your mental health!

If you’re someone who is on a serious budget, inexpensive forms of self-care can be as simple as walking outside, listening to your favorite podcast, meditating, reading or applying a face mask!

Once in a while, I also like to indulge in a Swedish massage, facial or boutique studio class. It’s all about balance!

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While prepping for your wedding can sometimes feel overwhelming or stressful, just remember to follow these simple tips! Remember, the only thing that matters at the end of this, is that you get to be married to your best friend! The rest is just icing on the cake!

Are you someone who is currently engaged or married? Let me hear below what tips + tricks you used to prep for your wedding!

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