3 Tips for Creating a Self-Care Routine

self-care routine tips wellness healthy holistic simple mindful

Creating a daily self-care routine may seem totally daunting at first.

Believe me, I’ve been there!

As long as you’re hitting the basics: brush teeth ✔, eat breakfast ✔, get dressed ✔ (you get the idea)…you’re pretty much on your way! (If you want a little peak into my self-care, check out my simple + mindful morning routine.)

But, I want to go beyond the SUPER basic checks you tick off everyday.

What are you doing throughout the day that will help you grow physically, mentally + emotionally/spiritually? Are you checking off those boxes as well?

Be sure to keep reading, I have a special surprise below!

Tip 1: Keep it super simple.

You don’t have to go 0-60 in one day. Start by keeping things simple! Maybe just incorporate drinking more water throughout the day at first.

Then, when you notice how easy that gets, add another step in! Slowly adjust your daily routine. You’ll find that it will be easier to keep this new routine up instead of overwhelming yourself.

Tip 2: Do something that brings you joy.

Don’t like running? Don’t do it.

Don’t like eating salads everyday? Don’t do it. (You get my point!)

Focus on the little things that make you happy. These things obviously don’t have to be expensive or time-consuming.

Then, I want you to imagine how you can incorporate them into your daily routine!

For example, my list would include a guided meditation, long walk in the sunshine and some quiet time to myself.

Keep it as easy or specific as you like!

Tip 3: Be flexible.

Your self-care routine will not alway be on a strict schedule.

Just as life ebbs and flows, so will your time to devout to your self-care.

It’s all about focusing on what you can do, and not stressing out!

Let’s just say you accidentally sleep in and miss your window to meditate and move your body.

Maybe take a few deep breaths while you’re in the shower (hello, multi-tasking)! Or save those things for later in the day when you have some time to yourself.

What’s your favorite way to show yourself some self-care?

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